Archie doesn’t know what it’s like to be safe, but you can change that this Christmas. Your $30 donation will be doubled to give him a safe place to stay!
There’s a scared 8-year-old boy who needs your help. Archie was removed from his home because of extreme abuse and neglect. He lives in constant fear for his safety.
Archie hasn’t been safe in his home for years, but you can change that this Christmas. Your $30 donation will be doubled to give him a safe place to stay!
A night of safety usually costs $60 but a group of generous donors has created a challenge fund that will double all donations before Christmas, up to $85,000. That means your $30 doubles to $60 to provide a night of safety and care for Archie and kids like him!
Archie has lost hope that anything will make him feel better. He has experienced physical and sexual abuse, been exposed to drugs, lived in nine different places, and has attempted suicide multiple times. Archie needs to be safe and feel safe so he can process his painful emotions through trauma therapy.
Please send your special gift to be doubled so Archie and children like him have a safe place to stay this Christmas.

Make sure Archie has a safe place to stay this Christmas!
Christian Children's Home of Ohio (CCHO) is a local nonprofit organization that has provided opportunities for donors like you to help abused and neglected children for more than 50 years. Based in Wooster, OH and serving all of Ohio – including Wayne County, Summit County, Stark County, Cuyahoga County, Franklin County and the surrounding areas – CCHO is a safe place for kids who have suffered extreme forms of physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse, as well as survivors of sex trafficking. Initially licensed as a foster care/group home for children, CCHO has four cottages on its campus that are home to as many as 46 kids, ages 6-18, who have often been abused by parents or other people they trust. During their time with this faith-based charity in Ohio, children learn the tools they need to overcome the trauma they've experienced through various forms of therapeutic approaches (including recreational therapy, art therapy and equine therapy) as well as social, spiritual and educational opportunities designed to aid the child with the healing process, model for them how a healthy family functions, develop coping and life skills, and introduce them to Jesus Christ.