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Jun 26, 2019
The Kandel Family (Story 19 of 50)
When Julie and Ron began their foster and adoption journey, they couldn’t have imagined they would one day have 18 children.

Jun 24, 2019
A guided imagery narrative (Story 18 of 50)
When new residents arrive, our therapy team writes a narrative from the child’s perspective to help staff understand their trauma.

Jun 22, 2019
A new day for Ashley (Story 17 of 50)
It is an honor to walk alongside people like Ashley, who has found health and healing during her time as an Encompass client.

Jun 20, 2019
Fifty years in one big weekend (Story 16 of 50)
What a way to commemorate five decades of ministry! More than 1500 people attended our three-day celebration on June 7-9.

Jun 4, 2019
Partners in legacy (Story 15 of 50)
As we prepare to gather for our 50th celebration this weekend, we’re especially grateful for our community partners who support our mission.

May 30, 2019
Our logo, then and now (Story 14 of 50)
A lot changes in one decade, let alone five. The world is different today in many ways than it was when CCHO started in a farmhouse in 1969.

May 21, 2019
Leading with kindness (Story 13 of 50)
Helping meet residents’ needs takes a lot of hands and partners. We are grateful for the kindness of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office.

May 16, 2019
Memories from our second resident (Story 12 of 50)
I came to CCHO in 1971 and lived there until I graduated in 1975. I was the second resident. My memories are numerous but here are a few.
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