Here we stand at the start of a new year, with a blank canvas before us. We all hope for better things in the next 12 months. As on organization, that time will be filled by helping others experience their true worth that’s found in Christ. Today’s blog post will simply point to what that worth looks like.

In his book “Encounters with Jesus,” Timothy Keller invites you to know and rest in your belovedness.
“And so, if we rest in Christ’s work for us, we can be adopted into God’s family by grace (John 1:12). It means that we can know that we are also God’s beloved children, and that—in Christ—we are well pleasing. That assurance is the taproot of the deepest, most life-giving joy possible. On one hand it means we now want to turn away from any sin or thing that displeases our Father. We no longer do so out of fear of punishment or out of need to prove ourselves. Those motives are exhausting and inevitably create narrowness, self-righteousness and hardness of heart. No. Instead, out of grateful joy and sheer desire to resemble, delight, and serve the one who saved us, we amend our lives with a new effectiveness. And on the other hand, the fears and anxieties and insecurities that haunted us begin to dissipate. Success and failure in our work neither puffs us up nor devastates us. We are not driven by unhappiness over our looks, or our status—we are not deflated by criticism as were before. Our self-image rests in a love we can’t lose.”
Wishing you a year that is lived from a posture of your worthiness in Christ. If you get a little turned around, as we all do from time to time, that’s okay. We are here to help you find your way.