We’re excited to share that we’re starting classes on campus in August as Envision Academy bringing trauma-informed education aligned with Ohio’s Learning Standards under the Christian Children’s Home of Ohio (CCHO) umbrella. Our residential youth will have the necessary supports and technology to help them be the best students and individuals they can be. Staff to student ratios will stay low. Safety and connection will be at the forefront of all that we do.
We have a great understanding of the obstacles that our students face daily. Some of these challenges have hindered their learning experience. We believe that with the appropriate support, structure, and guidance, we can help our students have a more successful future.

Our educational team consists of administration, licensed intervention specialists, licensed teachers, treatment specialists, and clinical staff. Staff members collaborate to ensure academic, behavioral, and/or social-emotional needs are being met on a group and individualized basis. Our team is trained in Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) which is an evidenced-based trauma-informed care practice as well as Safe Crisis Management (SCM) certified. This training equips our staff to best help students from hard places.
Our organizational purpose of helping people experience their worth in Christ includes the therapeutic educational services provided in our onsite academy. Our youth will know they’re loved no matter their behavior or grade. Their unique trauma needs will be addressed. They’ll be able to catch up to their grade levels and learn to work together with peers.
Our hope is that our elementary, middle, and high school students will enjoy learning again and feel capable of achieving their goals. If you have a heart to see youth from hard places succeed in school and beyond, we invite you to explore a staff position at Envision Academy. We are currently hiring several key staff members to start off the academic year strong. View the CCHO jobs listing for more information and to apply.